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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/01/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Eric Tenney and Michael Genest
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes of October 18, 2010, Mr. Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
2.      Mr. Genest stated that the input for budget hearings would be:
a.      Department head presents their budget
b.      BOS questions & comments
c.      Budget Advisory Committee questions & comments
d.      Public input
3.      Mr. Kenworthy from Eolian Renewable Energy (Antrim Wind Energy) spoke to the board concerning possible Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) be considered by the BOS for their potential wind energy facility.  No decisions were made.
4.      Mr. Mathew Chauncey spoke to the board concerningf a letter he had sent to the Board concerning:
a.      Deficit
b.      Safety chevrons
c.      Road water run-off on Bridle Road.
d.      Cable broadcast of meetings
5.      Mr. David Duffy spoke to the board about:
a.      Accuracy of meeting minutes
6.      Budget Hearings:
a.      Police budget – presented by Chief Lester
b.      MIS – presented by Mr. Stearns
c.      Assessing -  presented by Mr. Stearns
d.      Legal - presented by Mr. Stearns
e.      General Government - presented by Mr. Stearns
f.      General Government Buildings - presented by Mr. Stearns
g.      Building Inspection - presented by Mr. Stearns
7.      Mr. Chauncey requested that the police average salary including the Chief, average hourly rate with benefits and the average hourly rate with out benefits be calculated and provided to him.  Mr. Stearns will follow up.
8.      The Town website lists Mr. Hopkins as the Health officer.  Mr. Stearns will follow up.

There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 3/0 at 9:27 PM.